A few weeks ago when I picked out my new bracelet I audibly gasped when the SA at T&Co showed it to me! It is so shiny and perfect! Their silver always looks so good when it is brand new! I said I would love to get my other pieces to their original shiny condition and the SA told me they have a polishing service. I told her I have lots of polishing cloths and jewelry cleaner but she told me T&Co has an even better service! You drop off your silver and they will put it in a jewelry tumbler for 4 hours and then you can pick it up or they will mail it back to you. The whole process takes about 2 weeks. She said it wont make your jewelry brand new again but it does take out the small scratches and fine lines (how do I get myself in that tumbler?) and makes it look really good again!
I had no idea!
Have a fabulous day!
This is great but I don't think they offer this service in Manila. That's why I have to content myself with polishing cloths and cleaner. *sobs*
I never knew that either! Thanks for the tip!
Do they charge for it?
Yes! It's the best ever! I have had it done a few times.
Kelsey - To be honest I dont know but if you call your local store they will be able to tell you.
OOH! I could so use that service and I am going to Tiffany's for my Christmas bracelet! Mr. L my hubby knows how much I love the shopping and the packaging at Tiffany's...I am subscribing to your blog now!
That is so cool!!!! I am very happy to know that!
My teenage daughters have quite a bit of Tiffany silver jewelry. Although they were careful with the jewelry, it does get scratched and looks dingy pretty quickly. They bought it when they were in middle school, and since they are in high school and college now, have lost interest in it. I should probably suggest they sell it, but I'm not sure even a professional cleaning would bring it back to the state where anyone would be interested in buying it. I may check in to that though, it's certainly better than having it tarnish in their jewelry boxes.
This is so good to know! I'm calling my local store this week and checking into it. Thanks so much for passing along this little tidbit!
Oh, I forgot! That picture is adorable!
I saw this service offered at the T&Co when we were buying our wedding rings this summer. I'm so tempted to bring my sterling silver in for them to polish for me! I had to have my tag bracelet repaired by them a few years ago and they polished it after they repaired it and sent it back. It looked like new :)
What a great service, and one I definitely need to investigate. Nothing beats a like new, silver sparkle!
Wow! This is a great tip!!! Thank you for sharing.
Awesome! I need this service!!!
I want to see the bracelet!! I'll be right there in the human sized tumbler if you ever find one ~ you are TOO funny! Have a great night ~ ♥
LOL, i have a bunch of silver from t&c but have not used their service as of yet. i think i should.
What a great service! I love it when a store sill has a good customer service policy~ that doesn't happen as much as it should.
This is a nice service. I wonder if they work on silver flatware too? Many spoon in the garbage disposal---:)
Whoa...I'd like to put myself in that tumbler, too! For real. :)
Yes, Tiffany has great customer service!
Now THAT is old fashioned customer service, isn't it? LOL
They bought it when they were in middle school, and since they are in high school and college now, have lost interest in it.
kobe beef
I take mine to my jeweler at least once a year for buffing, which always makes my silver look so stunning. And, he never charges me a penny for it. I love my jeweler, really.
Yay, that is so exciting! I love Tiffany's!
Also, good for you for taking it in to get it cleaned. I would do that for my jewelry but the Tiffany's that I received is from the ex, lol. I want BK to get me something sometime! ;)
Genius! Gotta find one! My jewelry needs it!
And I am so glad to have discovered your blog! It's like a belated Christmas gift! Thank you for the afternoon of entertainment!
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