I was in Indigo Books in the Eaton Centre a few weeks ago and ducked into the ladies room to take care of some business. When I washed my hands I looked around for paper or a hand dryer and couldn't find one! I thought I was going to be stuck drying my hands with that awful thin toilet paper when I saw this contraption on the wall.
At first I thought it was some sort of radiator then I realised...THIS is the hand dryer!
You put your hands in it and it automatically starts blowing warm air up and dries your hands much faster than any dryer I have used before.
The best part is instead of reaching up, you put your hands down. If you are short like me this is a big deal! No more reaching up to the hand dryer while water is running up your arms!
Whoever designed this is a genius and deserves a medal!
Yes, I was taking photos in the ladies room. Yes, someone did walk in while I was taking photos. No, I dont have any shame anymore.
Have a fabulous day!
PS - Is anyone else losing blog posts? I had this written as a draft and when I went to publish it, it just vanished! Gone! Poof! I had to re-write it which makes me think I need to save all of my other drafts in Word or some such program.
what a snazzy design. so far, i don't have an issue but yikes. hit save often.... : )
Hubby and I were at the Northbrook Court Shopping Mall yesterday and they too had these types of hand dryers. I used the towels provided but hubby stated that these were in the men's room and he used this.
A dryer that actually dries your hands so ya'll don't have to use the jean method, this chick can't wait to find one and try it out. How many years before they make it to the Ozarks??? Heeeheehe!
God bless ya'll!
Ha! I love that you're taking pictures in the bathroom. I forgot that you live in Canada. I was at the Eaton Center last summer, and had a blast. Awesome area, and plan to go back this summer.
Savvy Girl - I save constantly but when I took my saved post and clicked on 'publish' it just vanished!
Nezzy - It isnt that this is a hand dryer - it is one that is low - this is a big deal if you are short and end up with wet sleeves reaching up to the dryers that are up high on the wall.
I would have been stumped. I really prefer good old paper towels so I have something to use to open the door. My favorite public bathrooms are the family ones at Nordstroms.
If you wrote this a while ago, It could have been posted back on the day your wrote it and not on today's date. (I just checked and I can't find it on any older date, so scratch that idea)
But as for that hand dryer I've never seen anything like it :)
I'm ashamed to admit I probably wouldn't have known what to do! Ha! Glad I saw this before I am faced with one.
That is so cool! What a great invention!
Love that thing! Wish they had them when I was skiing for my gloves. xoxo
I love the dryer! And good for you for having now shame! Here is my question- do they actually dry? I hate using the drying and then still needing to wipe my hands all over my cute outfit! Grr!! But thank you for your super sweet comment! Yes, I am still a little blue- I think I feel like I'm at a time in my life where I'm "stuck" too, so I better get over that! But of course, winter doesn't help and yesterday, my mom was like "sweetie, you don't have to stay in OH- you can go anywhere you want" and I'm planning on transferring next year (to where, idk yet) but the farthest I have looked is Nashville...hmmm! Anyway, I hope you and Suburban Child and finding lots of fun Inside Activities! Stay warm! xo M
I encountered one of those dryers a few months ago and thought it was quite interesting. And impressive!
I was having a problem earlier tonight trying to publish a post - kept saying my html code was wrong, not sure how that happened. I'm saving in Word now until I get my confidence back in Blogger. Good luck!
That is so cool! I was at the movies the other night...no paper towels, no dryer. I was forced to wipe my hands on my jeans and sit thru the movie with damp jeans..this little device would have come in handy.
I LOVE these hand dryers!!!
I just used one of these Sunday in...Grimsby, maybe? We stopped for gas and Tim's on our way home from our weekend away. Thought it was pretty cool.
I love those hand dryers. I actually get giddy when I see one in the bathroom. I'm pathetic!
What a funny dryer, I have seen one of those too! :P Sorry about your blogger issues, I have not had that problem lately but I know sometimes I can't view some blog posts of others and then they reappear later. So odd, maybe just wait it out and then come back later to see if it is there?
Love the hand dryers...Love finding new blogs.....enjoyed reading yours tonight.. Happy New Year
I used one of these recently and it was so cool!
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