I cant believe it is Christmas Eve already! Fortunately I got all of the shopping and wrapping done this past weekend so we are ready! I just need to go to the grocery store today to get fresh veggies!
This morning I am taking the Little Prince to exchange presents with his future wife (yes I have picked her out already) and this afternoon will find the Suburban Prince and me nestled in the local pub with a glass of Christmas Cheer.
After dinner my friend across the street is coming over to exchange presents and I cant wait for her to see what I got for her! Her 40th birthday is in January and I am doing all of her party planning in a snowflake theme. I got her a crystal snowflake and put it on a necklace so she can wear it at her party!
Tomorrow we are going to my parents for a couple of hours then to my inlaws for a couple of hours and dinner. My parents are going to my inlaws too for dinner and presents. Wish me luck.
On boxing day I think I will check out a few sales - there are a few things I would love to find half off! I saw some cute bowls at HomeSense and didn't buy them so I hope they are still there! I also saw a nice little jacket in Mark's so I am keeping my fingers crossed it is still there and on sale!
The 27th is my FIL's birthday so we need to go back up to their house. In the meantime I need to think of a birthday present for him! My BIL is there right now from Nova Scotia and we are bringing him home with us that night and he is staying with us until the 29th. They are all going to dinner because the 29th is the 40th anniversary of their arrival in Canada! I think I will stay home that night because I will be in dire need of some alone time by then!
From my home to yours, have a very very Merry Christmas!
I hope Santa is good to you!
You chose the future wife of the little prince? You are so funny.
Have a very merry Christmas to you and your family!
Welllll ya know...I'm not going to disown him if he doesnt marry her but she is such a sweet little girl I think he should!
Merry Christmas!
Too funny, you've picked out a future wife for the little prince.
Safe travels during the next few days, Merry Christmas!
You have a busy few days head of you! Have fun!
I'm hoping to find a few things on sale myself!
Merry Christmas, I like that you already picked out little prince's future wife. He he.
RE your comments on my blog .... Yes, Princess - cassettes! I realize they were before your time, darling, but some music just can't be replaced. (I mean that literally!)
And I put good quality, lean ground in my mincemeat. If you want, I can send you the recipe after Xmas. (Just email me.)
You have a wonderful Christmas, you and your family and your modern musical technology!
Have fun!! Merry Christmas!!!
Have a very merry Christmas!
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