Thursday, November 19, 2009

Book Review - One Good Turn

I just finished reading One Good Turn by Kate Atkinson and I loved it!

This is from Amazon...

"In One Good Turn Jackson follows his girlfriend, Julia the actress, to the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh. He manages to fall into all kinds of trouble, starting with witnessing a brutal attack by "Honda Man" on another man stuck in a traffic jam. Is this road rage or something truly sinister? Another witness is Martin Canning, better known as Alex Blake, the writer. Martin is a shy, withdrawn, timid sort who, in a moment of unlikely action, flings a satchel at the attacker and spins him around, away from his victim.

Gloria Hatter, wife of Graham, a millionaire property developer who is about to have all his secrets uncovered, is standing in a nearby queue with a friend when the attack takes place. There is nastiness afoot, and everyone is involved. Nothing is coincidental.

Through a labyrinthine plot the real story is played out, complete with Russians, false and mistaken identities, dead bodies, betrayals, and all manner of violent encounters. Jackson gets pulled in to the investigation by Louise Monroe, a police detective and mother of an errant 14-year-old."

The author does a wonderful job of creating rich characters in a short span of time - in one sentence she would so well describes a character that I would nod and think 'Oh yes, I know the type!'.

I recommend this book to anyone who loves a good mystery!

Have a fabulous day!


Lisa said...

I'll have to tell my sister about this book. She loves mysteries! I like historical fiction and chick lit, myself. :0) Thanks for stoppin' by. Don't be a stranger.

a. said...

I really like Kate Atkinson! Her other books were really good.

Unknown said...

I'm always in the hunt for a good book so this is great. Keep on sharing, I love getting recommendations from friends!

preppyinnewengland said...

I will put this on my list! Sounds good. I love getting books as presents for the holidays!

Unknown said...

sounds like a great read, thanks for the review!

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

This is on my list! I am glad to hear a good review! Have a great weekend!!